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Bergamo, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

    Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of Bergamo (Italy) and related SEA

    CLIENT: ATB Mobilità (on behalf of: Municipality of Bergamo)
    PERIOD: 2018 – 2020

    With 120,000 residents, Bergamo is the fourth largest city in Lombardy. According to the origin-destination survey carried out in 2014 by Regione Lombardia, 366,000 journeys daily affect the municipal territory.

    The drafting of the SUMP of Bergamo guaranteed consistency with the methodology suggested by the European Commission ( and with the guidelines issued by the Italian Ministry of Transports (Decree 4 August 2017).

    Started in July 2018, the work has been organised in four phases: (i) background analysis, (ii) evaluation of the current scenario, (iii) elaboration of the SUMP and (iv) acceptance and approval process.

    Along with MOMOS, the plan has been prepared with the support of a traffic simulation model thus allowing for a detailed technical, environmental, and economic evaluation.

    MOMOS has been used to compare the reference and the policy scenario. The policy scenario is focused on (i) traffic management and regulation (LTZ, pedestrian areas, traffic calming and LEZ), together with (ii) the enhance of alternative modes (public transport expansion and prioritization, cycling and pedestrian network), (iii) the private car parking regulation (with a specific focus on the Park&Ride scheme) and public parking spaces for bikes, (iv) the traffic demand management focused on shared mobility, vehicle fleet renewal and mobility management, the (v) urban logistics (traffic regulations, cycle-logistics and “pack stations” distributed in the city). Moreover, other technological aspects (vi) have been considered, such as the parking spaces routing, the MaaS scheme introduction, the experimentation of autonomous vehicles and an enhanced vehicle fleet renovation.

    A fundamental element of the SUMP has been the participatory process, which has included a survey on mobility habits addressed to those who live, work and study in Bergamo and four thematic focus groups.

    The sustainability of the SUMP has been supported by a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and an assessment of the effects of the Plan for the naturalistic Site of Community Importance (SCI) named «Boschi dell’Astino e dell’Allegrezza».

    The SUMP of Bergamo has been accepted by the City Council on 16/05/2019 and eventually approved on 05/07/2022.

    For more information

    • Documents available on (italian only)
    • “Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Bergamo and its functional area”. Case study published on Eltis Platform