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Emilia-Romagna region, Promotion of sustainable mobility measures

    Drafting of Operational tools guidelines for the promotion of sustainable mobility measures. PRIT (Integrated Regional Transport Plan) guidelines update 2025

    CLIENT: Emilia Romagna Region
    PERIOD: 2020 – 2021

    The support provided by TRT for the drafting of the Guidelines to boost sustainable innovative mobility in the urban areas is part of the definition of the new Integrated Regional Transport Plan (PRIT 2025) of the Emilia-Romagna Region.

    The objective of the guidelines prepared by the Regional Administration Territorial Planning Service is to provide support to local administrations in the preparation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP). Specific topics concern: i) quantitative and qualitative data collection, ii) analysis of innovative tools and actions related to the concept of sustainable mobility planning, iii) development of new collective services, such as on-demand transport services and Mobility as a Service models.

    The guidelines, presented in June 2021, are accompanied by an evaluation structure building on the application of the MOMOS Model, capable of recognizing the sustainability dimension of the covered actions.

    The model has been applied to four urban areas in the Emilia Romagna region: Bologna, Parma, Piacenza and Ravenna. These municipalities are representative of medium size cities, where the SUMP can act as a driver for the introduction of the policies under analysis, i.e. related to mobility pricing, regulation of public space, acceleration of the vehicle fleet renewal (both private and public), and uptake of electric mobility. Those are in addition to usual measures acting more directly on modal shift and reduction of car dependency. The evaluation of the package of innovative measures has been done by comparing two scenarios at the time horizon of 2030: the Reference Scenario (assuming only the exogenous uptake of innovative vehicles) and the Policy Scenario (with the implementation of measures related to parking pricing, access regulation, greening PT vehicles, road charging, electric car sharing services and EV charging infrastructure.

    For more information, download the technical fact-sheets on the Regional government website (in Italian only)